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Hands-on data analysis

Date: 16-18 November 2022
Location: To be announced

Over three days, this course will bring together synchrotron data analysis software experts with learners and learners' own data. Learners will be guided by the software experts to optimise analysis of their datasets in small workshops of 5-8 people. A series of workshops will be held over 3 days, with experts in all the major synchrotron analysis software data participating. At the beginning of each day, there will be plenary sessions where people can hear the latest news about updates and upgrades.

The key concept of this course is that PhD students and researchers will be guided by synchrotron software experts to optimise the analysis of their researchers' own datasets.

Guiding researchers in the data analysis will occur in small workshops of 5-8 people - plus the software expert. Each software expert will lead a couple of workshops over a 3 day period. Experts representing all the major synchrotron analysis software programmes will be there to run workshops.

At the beginning of each day, there will be plenary sessions where people can hear the latest news from this field.

The actual dates and details of the programme are being finalised, along with course application criteria.

This will be published here soon.

Hands-on data analysis: Akademiker
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